Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Catching Up (A Little)

Hello Thursday Tablers!

Yes, it's been weeks and weeks since we've posted, and for that I feel pretty ashamed. Let me just say that I've become much more tolerant toward bloggers who post, shall we say, more intermittently than others. Life certainly does get in the way.

So, for the new year, how d'you feel about a few shots representing the Ghosts of Tables Past? . . .

Thursday, October 19, 2006

This Skillet Lasagna dish has quickly become a favorite, both with the resident cooks here at the Table and with our repeat guests. In fact, this past weekend it ended up on the menu for New Year's Eve, at the cabin down in southeastern Ohio where the Thursday Table regulars celebrated the holiday. That, however, is another story completely.

The great thing about the recipe is that it's so fricking easy: It simmers on the stovetop, so there's no baking in the oven, and (bonus!) there's only one pan to clean. "What?" you say? "Lasagna isn't lasagna unless it's layered and baked in the oven!"? Well, I'll admit that you lose that top layer of browned, crusty, yummy-but-a-pain-to-clean-up cheese . . . In my book the tradeoff is worth it, especially on a weeknight.

I'll try to post the recipe on the blog at a later date. It's from the Cook's Illustrated television show (we found it in a later issue of their Cook's Country magazine, too).

Friday, October 20, 2006

I know, I know. Not a Thursday. But surely you understand that cooking goes on here on other nights of the week. And behold — another successful meal from Everyday Food, this time from the TV version:

Hot off the stove (look at that steam!)

This recipe is a little more involved, but sometimes on a Friday, if the roommate and I aren't too burnt out from the week, we'll wade into something a little more involved. The most tedious part of this particular evening was peeling and then sautéing the shrimp. But the batter is mostly corn starch (!) and sesame seeds, so they end up with a coating that's light and crispy, almost puffy. Definitely worth the trouble.

Do check out the bok choy recipe as well. I'd never bought the stuff and was intrigued to actually use it in cooking — and with the broccoli, ginger, and soy that made up the rest of the dish, I was an instant convert. Delicious and full of cancer-fighting antioxidants? What's not to like?

Speaking of the stove . . .

Eagle-eyed readers may note several things: the Pampered Chef utensil rest and silicone spatula sitting on the stove (I'm not a PC zealot, but these are both great additions to anyone's kitchen); the edge of a Black & Decker food processor on the counter in the upper right (I have no idea how I lived without one for so many years!); and the fact that it's 8 p.m. and we were only getting started on the eating portion of dinner.

So it goes here in the Thursday Table kitchen.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yummmy yummy Joel!!! These photos were worth the wait.

If you ever want to take your "show" on the road - - - - I know a kitchen that would LOVE to host you. wink wink

I am a good cook who never does. :-(
Life - - - teaching at Lakeview - - - saps all my energy and desire to cook.
We live hand-to-mouth around here. Pitiful. Sad. But True.

7:34 PM  
Blogger Joel said...

Keetha! You certainly are quick to comment! It's enough to make me feel like someone out there's actually reading this thing.

One of these days I'll have to cook at Jaena's house and invite you and other Marion fans of the Table over (if that's okay with her).

And your situation isn't pitiful . . . I'm fortunate to have a roommate who likes to cook, too, so between the two of us, it's much easier to gather motivation to try new stuff.

Plus, the Table gatherings force us to cook something that's at least moderately interesting once a week. Thank goodness that our guests are both forgiving and adventuresome!

If I were cooking alone all the time, it'd be pasta on many, many more evenings.

7:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yah, but my style is more like the "take out" variety.

8:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like that skillet lasagna recipe. Also, looking at the picture I just had a thought - - - wonder if just before serving, one could put some grated cheese on top IN THAT SAME PAN, pop it in the oven for a few moments - - and viola - - - cheese topped lasagna????

9:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey - - - where's my avatar??? And I just put a new one on too - - - a "New and Improved" me. :-(

It's been showing up on all my other comments tonight - - - - - just not on here.

9:38 PM  
Blogger Joel said...

Hmm . . . not a bad idea putting the pan in the oven. You're a clever one.

Of course, in these pics, that particular "exact same pan" is non-stick, so I'd have to figure out another deep-dish type of cookware to use.

I haven't upgraded to the beta yet, so maybe that's the problem with the avatar?

8:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there anything in the instructions for a non-stick pan that say "not for oven use?" If so, I did not know that.

Hmmmmm - - - maybe the avatar problem IS something to do with beta/nonbeta - - - don't know. All I know is, yours is the only blog I've posted comments with the new avatar that it hasn't shown up.

8:26 AM  
Blogger Keetha Broyles said...

Oh dear - - - now not only am I avatarless, now I'm also anonymous!!!!

You could have just TOLD me you wanted me out of your life!!!



5:35 PM  
Blogger Keetha Broyles said...

Hey- - - all my comment posting problems appear to be CURED on your blog - - - did you "go to the dark side" like the rest of us?

5:36 PM  

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