Thursday, January 18, 2007

Lazy Thursday

You know that post-holiday ennui that sets in the first week in January? No matter whether you’re usually sad to see the old year go or you’re relieved that December’s craziness is finally behind you, I’m willing to bet that you've probably experienced a bit of a letdown as you navigate the first days of the new year and try January on for size.

For me, at first, it never seems to fit quite right. This year I’ve found myself quoting Emily Dickinson:
There’s a certain Slant of light,
Winter Afternoons —
That oppresses, like the Heft
Of Cathedral Tunes —
When I experience this — what Emily also calls “Heavenly Hurt” — I’ll confess that my first inclination is to put on comfortable clothes. If I’m at home, that means my favorite fleece pullover and, for good measure, a ballcap. If a bag of chips or a block of cheese is nearby, then all the better.

With all this in mind, consider the Thursday Table gathering from January 4: pizza, soda, and vino at Jack’s house, no cooking required. Comfy attire was de rigueur — I think Jack (at right below) was basically in his jammies, though I wasn’t far behind:

(Hey, never let it be said that I was too vain to post an unflattering pic of myself, okay?)

Now, about the pizza. As far as the roommate and I are concerned, Adriatico’s (on OSU’s campus at Neil and 11th) is some of the best grub that money can buy in Columbus. Deep-dish pizza with garlicky overtones and an oregano-laced crust . . . well, that’s amore, you know? They don’t deliver, but it’s worth the hassle of parking on campus for carry-out.

A word of warning, however: order the “Buckeye” size pizza at your own peril. At 18 by 24 inches, it’s a serious slab of pie — three square feet, to be exact! — and more than enough food even for four men with healthy winter appetites. Needless to say, there were plenty of leftovers. What you see in the pic below is what was left after we made our best attempt at this cheesy monstrosity:

(Note that this pizza is so big that it requires at least three of the little plastic doohickeys to keep the box lid from sagging. And yes, that’s a mainstream Australian merlot we’ve uncorked. We’re not exactly connoisseurs.)

Our first Table of 2007 ended with a round of the television edition of “Scene-It,” the DVD game for airwave addicts. Jack was the runaway winner, with yours truly making a pathetic fourth-place showing. At least I had my slippers with me.

More updates to come — free of fast food and restaurant fare, honest! And here’s a toast to a January replete with comfort, wrapped in a cozy blanket and full of good food.


Blogger rubysoo said...

Oooooh...I miss Adriatico’s. Tasty, tasty!

I can't wait for you boys to visit and we'll go on a Chi-town pizza excursion!

11:00 AM  
Blogger Joel said...

We gotta plan that! Mmmmm . . . Windy City 'Za!

7:54 PM  
Blogger Keetha Broyles said...

OK Joely Woely - - - - you are at the very LEAST a former Hoosier - - - so what about some BLUE food on Thursday's Table this week???? Come on - - - get it posted BEFORE the big game.

Anon has started making her own variety of blue edibles - - - -

3:49 AM  
Blogger Keetha Broyles said...

PS - - - I pulled for your Buckeyes against my HUSBAND'S Gators - - - so surely you can 'step up' with some Blue for MY COLTS!!! :-)

3:50 AM  
Blogger Jaena said...

Dearest Brother, I love reading your writing. You're so very articulate, and I like the variety of unusual words you use...not so uncommon that we don't know what they mean (usually!), but descriptive enough to make even your blog quite pleasant to read. Hooray for you (and your gigantic pizza)!

11:10 AM  
Blogger Joel said...

"Joely Woely"? That's hilarious . . .

Yes, dearest Keetha, I'm pulling for "your" Colts this weekend. After all, I'm a Hoosier native (still proud), and my parents and several other family members have season tickets!

Besides, I've felt a bit of an increased connection to the team ever since the company I used to work for did a TV spot that featured Peyton Manning. (Did you ever see the Huntington Bank spot where he threw the canister from the drive-through window to the bank teller? I proofread those storyboards!)

I just hope I get to watch the game. Some moron scheduled book club meeting for Sunday night. Wonder who that was?

As for the Buckeyes . . . well, I think that folks are a little too nutty around here about the football, but don't tell them I said so.

No blue food this week, alas. Speaking of advertisements, I'll be at Columbus's Addy Awards tomorrow night instead of at Thursday Table. My current crop of coworkers have a raft of awards to bring home, so we'll all be celebrating there. Maybe Jeff and Bill and Steve will take pictures of their escapades for the blog!

12:30 PM  
Blogger Keetha Broyles said...

I did see that commercial - - - and LOVED it. I'm so proud to know a celebrity - - - YOU!!!

I'll let you off the hook about the blue food - - - -

Hope you do get to see at least the END of the game.

WHAT - - - - you mean there IS more to life than football?????????? Who'd a thunk it?

2:48 PM  
Blogger Joel said...

Methinks my sister is angling for another post on the blog . . .

Thanks, Jaena, for the compliments. But I prefer reading your blog any day!


7:56 PM  
Blogger Terhune Family said...

So I finally check out this site, about which I have heard wonderful things, and you post about a restaurant pizza. Unbelievable! I thought that you COOKED! It's actually rather encouraging, and now I'm hungry (I am "eating for two" after all!)
Kari (Newell)

6:51 PM  
Blogger Keetha Broyles said...

LOL Kari - - - hope you looked on down through his archives, there's plenty of REAL cooking on here.

SPEAKING of which, Joel - - - - time for some new stuff????? Those of us who don't cook like to watch you.

1:40 AM  
Blogger Joel said...

Kari and Keetha . . .

I swear, we've been having weekly Tables and eating well. We just haven't been so good remembering to use the digital camera. Sorry!

Last night we got a few shots of a yummy and easy Crock-Pot dinner. I'll post the details soon -- with the recipe! I think even those of you who don't like to cook will enjoy trying it out.

6:46 AM  
Blogger Keetha Broyles said...

Some of us really do LIKE to cook - - - - just let the schedule of life pressure it out of us.

I'm waiting on the edge of my SEAT for that pot post!!!!

12:11 PM  
Blogger Keetha Broyles said...

School was canceled today for snow - - - - Greg hauled me to the grocery store in his 4 wheel drive truck - - - and I COOKED tonight- something you should recognize!! I'm planning to post pictures tomorrow - - -

8:11 PM  
Blogger Keetha Broyles said...

Korie, our "chipmunk" child was here when I made the skillet lasagna. She could barely open her mouth, much less eat at that time - - - but she phoned me today, and has been here to your blog, and is MAKING herself today.

3:03 PM  
Blogger Keetha Broyles said...

OK Joely Woely - - - - Jan. 18 was a long, long, long, long, long time ago - - - - - - -


"Waiting" in Indiana

12:48 PM  
Blogger Keetha Broyles said...

I keep coming back here in the hopes that ONE DAY I will find a new post.

I'm hungry - - - I need some food pictures!!!

7:55 PM  
Blogger Keetha Broyles said...

Your post holiday ennui has lasted a REALLY REALLY REALLY long time - - - oh, wait a minute - - - was that EASTER post holiday ennui??? Ok then, it's not been so long after all!!!


2:44 PM  
Blogger Keetha Broyles said...

You are sorely missed in blogland - - - -

1:32 AM  
Blogger Joel said...

Ach! Keetha, your comments make me feel shameful.

I guess putting the word "Lazy" in the title of a post is a bad omen. Don't ever do it!

I've been busy with some extended freelance work recently, as well as some house projects.

Thursday Table continues -- with me learning how to be a grill-meister with my new-to-me gas grill!

I promise. I'll get some stuff back on the blog here this summer. I promise!

10:46 AM  
Blogger Keetha Broyles said...

Oh my - - - how long have you had that lovely comment for me on here? I've been faithfully checking for new posts, but must confess that it's been a while since I looked in the comments.

I looked here today to be another thorn in your side and say that January is looooong gone!!! :-)

5:28 AM  
Blogger Keetha Broyles said...

Oh - - - and my goal isn't SHAME - - - my goal is a new post!!!!


5:29 AM  
Blogger Keetha Broyles said...

This has been the longest holiday ennui I've ever heard of - - - -

6:53 PM  
Blogger Keetha Broyles said...

JOEL!!! Are you still in the land of blog living????

Sheldon!!! Yes, that is it. And I presume I used to read it in the CT back in the same day that you did.

Thanks for letting me hear from you.

And my word veri for this comment is "hearman"

3:30 AM  

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